Distance Selling Contract

Terms and Conditions of Business

These General Terms and Conditions govern all services provided by UNP. By concluding or affirmatively commissioning a transaction, the customer acknowledges and accepts these terms and conditions as an integral part of the contract.

Payment / Prices

All prices are inclusive of 20% VAT for domestic purchases. Additional charges for shipping and packaging apply. Offers and prices are non-binding.

There are no refunds for any of our services sold. Please do not contact us for a refund after purchasing any of our services.

Technical Modification of a Vehicle

Owners are advised that any technical modification to the vehicle for road use must be registered with the TÜV or a comparable institute. Due to individual calibration of engine control software, no expert opinions can be provided. Registration can be completed through individual acceptance. Failure to register will result in the expiration of the operating permit and insurance coverage.

UNP assumes no liability for damages in public traffic resulting from performance-enhanced vehicles and/or other consequential costs on the vehicle and personal injury. The responsibility for the traffic safety of the vehicle lies with the owner and driver (refer to road traffic regulations).

Performance Data

Buyers acknowledge that performance data (such as horsepower and torque) are based on experience and well-maintained engines, and may vary. UNP cannot guarantee any performance data to the buyer. Buyers purchase software services without any power, time measurement or dyno warranty.

Warranty / Disclaimer

UNP is not liable for any damage that may occur to or in the vehicle as a result of a performance upgrade. UNP is also not liable for damages during test drives and on test benches. Customers release UNP from all claims in this regard. Buyers are aware that performance tuning imposes additional stress on the engine and the vehicle. Therefore, regular service intervals and inspections of technical components are prerequisites. Further claims, including those on the control unit, engine, or other vehicle aggregates and parts, as well as damages not related to the delivered item or service content, are excluded to the extent legally permissible. Liability for damages resulting from higher engine loads is also excluded. Services provided to tradesmen are exempt from warranty claims.

Public Road Usage

All software services provided by UNP TUNES are exclusively designed for testing purposes on off-road and race tracks. Any consideration for additional permits to use these services on public roads is contingent upon the specific conditions and regulations of the respective country.

UNP TUNES explicitly disclaims any responsibility for the use of its software services on public roads. Users are solely responsible for obtaining any necessary permits and ensuring compliance with the relevant legal requirements and regulations in their respective jurisdictions.

This disclaimer is intended to communicate the specific use case for our software services and to underscore the importance of adhering to local laws and regulations. Users are strongly advised to seek legal counsel to ensure compliance with the applicable rules and to clarify any uncertainties regarding the use of our software services in various contexts.